On this final transmission of 2012, Alex Jones looks back at landmark events and developments of the past year. Alex also covers Senator Dianne Feinstein's traitorous plan on Thursday to betray the Second Amendment by introducing legislation mandating registration and ultimately confiscation of all guns in America. Alex also covers other important news items and takers your calls.
This is a fan blog used to archive the official description of each show. Unoffical descriptions of past shows may be added as needed.
NOTE: Descriptions of new shows will be added daily or quickly caught up if I take a break. I am working to add descriptions of old shows by finding descriptions at archive.org and another source. So, as time goes, this archive will get much larger and encompass shows from at least as far back as 2008.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
2012.12.30 - Obama's REAL second term agenda
On the riveting Sunday, December 30 transmission of Infowars Live, Alex Jones analyzes Obama's Meet the Press interview in which he continued milking the Newtown tragedy for all it's worth, promising to put his "full weight" behind an assault rifle ban that would affect the rights of millions of law-abiding, gun-owning Americans. He'll also talk to Piers Morgan's penned response in the Daily Mail threatening to leave the U.S. if the Second Amendment was not scaled back significantly. Alex will also break down the criminality of insider trading funding the globalists' takeover, and the imminent "fiscal cliff" implications come January 1, 2013.
More police and military callers supporting the Constitution and the peoples' right to keep and bear arms.
More police and military callers supporting the Constitution and the peoples' right to keep and bear arms.
Friday, December 28, 2012
2012.12.28 - Second Amendment, Lenny Magill, Kelly Patricia O'Meara, Doug Hagmann
On the Friday, September 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Mike Adams covers new attacks on the Second Amendment. Mike talks with Lenny Magill, owner of Glockstore.com, on gun control issues, and Kelly Patricia O'Meara, author of Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills That Kill. In the last hour of today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with Doug Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network about information released by his high-level DHS contact concerning government gun confiscation and other important topics.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
2012.12.27 - Gun confiscation, Fiscal Cliff, Doug Hagmann
Police and military callers confirm the worst case scenario is coming to a head.
Political Purge & Intimidation: Facebook shuts down accounts that express Constitutional and pro-freedom statements, even historical quotes made by Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi. Require copy of a government issued I.D. to re-activate accounts with warning one more infraction will result in permanent account closure.
Should we expect another large-scale massacre in the U.S. by a crazed "assault weapon" wielding "lone gunman" soon (maybe by Jan. 15) to reinforce the groupthink mental conditioning of the masses?
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
2012.12.26 - Encore clips
On this special December 26 encore presentation of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers war clouds gathering after the U.S. sent naval warships to the waters off Syria and an alliance of anti-Assad forces gathered. Alex talked with Syrian Girl about the latest developments. He also talked with global warming critic and activist Lord Christopher Monckton about his eviction from a United Nations conference that took place in Qatar earlier this month. Alex also talked about the holiday surge in gun sales as the feds prepare to implement further restrictions on the Second Amendment.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
2012.12.25 - Encore clips
Christmas, 2012, Alex Jones encore presentation: A rebroadcast of the Friday, December 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Alex talked about developing news stories, including moves against Syria as the USS Eisenhower arrives in the waters off the besieged Middle Eastern nation. It now looks certain Western-Arab military intervention against the Assad regime is due to begin shortly with the participation of the U.S., France, Britain, Turkey, Jordan and other anti-Assad Arab nations. Alex talks with Syrian Girl about the latest developments. Alex also talked with global warming skeptic Lord Christopher Monckton about his eviction from a United Nations climate change summit taking place in Qatar on Thursday. Alex also covered the latest surge in gun sales and takes your calls during today's worldwide broadcast.
Monday, December 24, 2012
2012.12.24 - Encore clips
On this Christmas Eve special Infowars encore presentation, Alex Jones talks with retired neurosurgeon and author Russell Blaylock, who is an expert on the excitotoxins aspartame and monosodium glutamate. Alex also talks with broadcaster, film-maker and television program host Max Keiser about economic issues and also trend forecaster and author Gerald Celente who argues that the financial elite are taking down America and preparing the West for a catastrophic war in the Middle East.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
2012.12.23 - Destroying the Second Amendment, Deport Piers Morgan
On the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the subversion of British citizen Piers Morgan as he colludes with enemies of the Constitution to destroy the Second Amendment, the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights. On Friday, Infowars.com posted a petition on the White House's website calling for the government to deport the CNN news show host. Alex also covers the latest efforts by the establishment to rollback the Second Amendment in the wake of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Connecticut. He also covers the latest news of importance and takes your calls.
Friday, December 21, 2012
2012.12.21 - Media exploits Sandy Hook, Disarming the American people, Cybersecurity, 2012 Doomsday, David Icke
On the Friday December 21 edition of the show, Alex continues his coverage of the unfolding drama behind the exploitation of the Sandy Hook shooting and the full-court press by the government to disarm the American people by hook or by crook and the continued brazen manipulation of the story by the establishment media. Alex also talks about Obama's impending cybersecurity executive order and he covers other important news items. He also tracks the 2012 doomsday hoax. On today's show, Alex talks with British writer and public speaker David Icke. David is the author of numerous books, including Love Changes Everything and Remember Who You Are: Remember 'Where' You Are and Where You 'Come' From.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
2012.12.20 - Orchestrated attack on legal firearms, Bob Barr
On the Thursday, December 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of the push to harm the Second Amendment following the Sandy Hook massacre. He also talks about the orchestrated effort by the establishment media to propagandize the American public into believing firearms are a grave and serious national security threat. On today's show, Alex talks with former federal prosecutor and a former member of the United States House of Representatives for Georgia's 7th congressional district, Bob Barr. He was the Libertarian Party nominee for president in the 2008 election. Mr. Barr sits on the NRA board and will talk with Alex about the effort to disarm the American people.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
2012.12.19 - Second Amendment under attack, Larry Pratt, Stewart Rhodes
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
2012.12.18 - Saving the 2nd Amendment, Antidepressants, Surge in Firearms Sales, Larry Pratt, Syria, Rep. Walter Jones
Monday, December 17, 2012
2012.12.17 - Preppers in the crosshairs, Gov. Jesse Ventura
On the Monday, December 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex will run down the renewed efforts by anti-Second Amendment advocates in the wake of Friday's mass shooting to ban assault weapons. He'll also break down the crafty rhetoric in Obama's Sunday speech as he vowed to use "whatever power this office holds in an effort to prevent more tragedies like this," and analyze the new direction the Sandy Hook investigation has taken in labeling gunman Adam Lanza's mother a "survivalist." On today's show, we'll hear former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura's take on the school massacre and also get the latest updates on his TV show Conspiracy Theory.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
2012.12.16 - Gun Owners, Guns Targeted
Today on this live Sunday, December 16, 2012 edition, Alex Jones focuses on the coordinated moves from the gun control lobby to seize upon the tragic shooting in Connecticut in order to restrict the 2nd Amendment. Sen. Dianne Feinstein has vowed to introduce new legislation in Congress for an Assault Weapons Ban immediately when the new session begins, while a wide spectrum of media pundits and political figures are demanding gun rights be curtailed. Shockingly, social media outlets like Twitter have flooded with calls not only to target gun ownership, but to actually murder gun owners themselves. Your calls and comments are welcome.
Friday, December 14, 2012
2012.12.14 - Surveillance technology
On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about ubiquitous surveillance state “smart” technology as the police state integrates itself into all aspects of our lives. Alex also covers the latest moves against Syria as the U.S. military sends Patriot missile batteries and soldiers to Turkey. On today's show, Alex welcomes back Larry Grathwohl, a FBI informant who was undercover with the Weatherman and subsequently revealed plans by the Marxist terrorist group to kill millions of Americans.
Breaking: CT elementary school shooting.
Breaking: CT elementary school shooting.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
2012.12.13 - Syria, Unemployment, Quantitative Easing, North Korea, Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, Healthcare Law
On the LIVE Thursday, December 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, radio host Alex Jones runs down the latest on the escalating Syrian crisis, and also breaks down the Fed's latest "historic" move to quell unemployment by purchasing $45B worth of bonds per month. Alex will also cover the alleged North Korea satellite launch. Also on the show, retired neurosurgeon, author and lecturer Dr. Russell L. Blaylock to expand on coconut oil's health benefits, especially as an effective cancer treatment. He'll give expert doctor's perspective analysis of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. We'll also cover other major news items and take your calls.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
2012.12.12 - Militarization of America, Portland Mall Shooting, Syria, Syrian Girl
On the Wednesday, December 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest developments on the US-NATO plot to militarily oust the government of Syria following Obama's official recognition of al-Qaeda mercenaries inside the country. Alex also covers the continued militarization of America as cops donning combat fatigues respond to a mall shooting in Portland, Oregon. On today’s worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with Syrian Girl about the situation in her homeland and Infowars reporter Dan Bidondi files a report.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
2012.12.11 - Syria, CIA, Jihadists, Michigan Unions, Threats
On the Tuesday, December 11 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to break down the spurious threat of a Syrian chemical weapon attack as a means to justify military intervention and the fact that the CIA is deliberately funding and arming Jihadist terrorists to destabilize Syria. He'll also run down the latest fiscal cliff news and report on the underprivileged receiving Obama phones in California.
Monday, December 10, 2012
2012.12.10 - Syria, Economy, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Gov. Jesse Ventura
On the Monday, December 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers war in the Middle East as the EU and the Obama administration move the final hurdles out of the way and move toward an all-out invasion of Syria under the pretense of making the region safe from the threat of chemical weapons. Alex also covers the rapid deterioration of the economy in the United States as food stamp use skyrockets and employment rates stagnate. On today’s show, Alex talks with the former governor of Minnesota and host of truTV's “Conspiracy Theory,” Jesse Ventura.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
2012.12.09 - Austerity, Syria, Chemical Weapons, 2012 Doomsday Hoax, Alzheimer's Disease
On the LIVE Sunday, December 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex will show that Republicans had always intended to wave the white flag and increase massive taxes that can then be transferred to mega banks. He'll also break down the total takeover of America and what to expect it to look like, the imminent military intervention in Syria with chemical weapons as the pretext, the latest countdown to 2012 hoax that has people from around the world scared out of their minds and also research that coconut oil may prevent Alzheimer's disease. We'll also cover other major news and take your calls. Tune in from 4PM to 6PM Central Standard Time.
Friday, December 7, 2012
2012.12.07 - Syria, Syrian Girl, Global Warming, Lord Christopher Monckton, Gun Sales
On the Friday, December 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down developing news stories, including moves against Syria as the USS Eisenhower arrives in the waters off the besieged Middle Eastern nation. It now looks certain Western-Arab military intervention against the Assad regime is due to begin shortly with the participation of the U.S., France, Britain, Turkey, Jordan and other anti-Assad Arab nations. Alex talks with Syrian Girl about the latest developments. Alex also talks with global warming skeptic Lord Christopher Monckton about his eviction from a United Nations climate change summit taking place in Qatar on Thursday. Alex also covers the latest surge in gun sales and takes your calls during today's worldwide broadcast.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
2012.12.06 - Syria, Gun Control, Domestic Drones, Surveillance, Gerald Celente, Fiscal Cliff
On the powerful Thursday, December 6 edition of Infowars Live, radio host Alex Jones dissolves the over-hyped rhetoric poured over the alleged Syrian chemical weapons threat being used to justify military intervention. He'll also break down the privacy violations perpetrated against the American people by drones already conducting domestic surveillance in non-restricted skies throughout the country. On today's show, Alex welcomes American economic trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente to discuss what steps should be taken in response to an imminent so-called fiscal cliff. We'll also break down other major news items and take your calls.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
2012.12.05 - Warships off Syria, Second Amendment
On the December 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the increasingly likely prospect of U.S. and NATO intervention in Syria as warships arrive off the Syrian coast and U.S. officialdom warns that the regime of Bashar Assad may use chemical weapons against CIA-supported mercenaries and al-Qaeda. He also continues his coverage of stepped-up attacks on the Second Amendment and the right of the American people to own and use firearms following comments made by Bob Costas and sports journalist Jason Whitlock. The phones will be wide open on today's worldwide broadcast.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
2012.12.04 - Boycott NFL, Boycott NBC, Anti-Gun Propaganda, TSA on Highways, TSA Watchlist, Max Keiser, Fiscal Cliff, Lindsey WIlliams
On the riveting Tuesday, December 4 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex clarifies his call for a boycott of the NFL and NBC for airing anti-gun propaganda during Sunday's football game. He'll also break down the TSA's seeking of approval to conduct "security assessments" on U.S. highways, and their creation of a watch list for Americans who violate its policies. On today's broadcast, Alex also speaks with economist, film-maker, and television show host Max Keiser about the impending fiscal cliff and the continued slow-motion implosion of world markets. Also stopping by on today's show, Pastor Lindsey Williams.
Monday, December 3, 2012
2012.12.03 - End of the World Hysteria, Fiscal Cliff, TSA, 2016 Election
On the Monday, December 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers end of the world hysteria, the impeding fiscal cliff, more accusations of maltreatment even rape at the TSA, and the establishment's effort to continue the legacy of Obama (who continued the legacy of Bush) by running current Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in 2016. Alex also talks with former Minnesota governor, television show host and author Jesse Ventura. Jesse talks about the rescheduling of his popular television show, Conspiracy Theory, and underhanded efforts to kill the show. Alex also takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.
Gov. Jesse Ventura appearance did not happen due to Ventura having a scheduling conflict with a last minute interview to perform.
Gov. Jesse Ventura appearance did not happen due to Ventura having a scheduling conflict with a last minute interview to perform.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
2012.12.02 - Fiscal Cliff, Economic Warfare, NWO, Globalists
On the Sunday, December 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the ongoing effort by the international banksters to take down the United States with their relentless economic warfare and long-term effort to consolidate power and foist a centralized globalist government on the nation and the world as a whole. He talks about the so-called “fiscal cliff” currently under negotiation behind closed doors by the corporatist one party system and what it means to the future of a withering middle class and America as a whole as an engineered astronomical debt piles up and the value of the dollar slides toward the abyss.
Friday, November 30, 2012
2012.11.30 - NDAA, TSA, Congress, FAA, Drones, Rep. Cynthia Mckinney, Gaza-Israel Conflict, Tom Woods, Jason Rink, States' Rights, Secession
On the Friday, November 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex exposes the NDAA's reworking by congressional legislators to create a more “Constitution friendly” version, the TSA's boycott of the Transport Committee's hearing claiming it is outside of the jurisdiction of Congress, the FAA's refusal to address privacy rights in regard to U.S. airspace drone use and more. On today's show, Alex welcomes 2008 Green Party presidential candidate and renowned political activist Rep. Cynthia Mckinney to discuss implications of the enduring Gaza-Israel conflict and the direction she sees the U.S. headed under Obama's second term. Alex also speaks with historian, economist and political analyst Tom Woods and Executive Director of the Foundation for a Free Society Jason Rink about the urgency of protecting states' rights and keeping secession a viable option, as discussed in the documentary Nullification: The Rightful Remedy.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
2012.11.29 - Fiscal Cliff, TSA, Joshua Abraham, Gar Smith, Nuclear Power
On this Thursday, November 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the impending fiscal cliff, continued thuggish behavior by the TSA, and schools locking students up in solitary confinement. On today's show, Alex talks with Joshua Abraham, the son of Larry Abraham who co-authored with Gary Allen the landmark book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, available at the Infowars Store. Joshua will disclose information his father revealed to him shortly before his death in 2008. Alex also talks with Gar Smith, author of Nuclear Roulette, a book also available at the Infowars Store that debunks the claim nuclear energy is clean, cheap, and safe.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
2012.11.28 - Gov. Jesse Ventura, TSA, First Amendment, Dark Knight Massacre, Mind Control, Economic Totalitarianism
Gov. Jesse Ventura |
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
2012.11.27 - Second Amendment, John McAfee, Lord Christopher Monckton, Nigel Farage
On the Tuesday, November 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers a record number of firearms purchases on Black Friday as millions of citizens begin to realize a second Obama term may ultimately result in heavy restriction of the Second Amendment. Alex also covers a legal decision affirming the right of people to record video of the police and he tackles other important news. On today's show, Alex talks with tech industry wizard John McAfee who stands accused of killing his neighbor in Belize. Additional guests include Lord Christopher Monckton and UKIP leader Nigel Farage. Both will talk about the British state kidnapping children from UKIP members and other efforts to attack the anti-establishment political party.
Monday, November 26, 2012
2012.11.26 - Mayan 2012 Rumors, Bev Harris, 2012 Election Fraud, Israel-Gaza Conflict, NWO, Police Thugs
On the live Monday, November 26 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex will take calls on the Mayan end-of-the-world 2012 rumor and also review the latest developments in the decelerating Israel-Gaza conflict. He will deconstruct former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski's acclamation that a "resistance" movement is impeding the march towards a New World Order and Rand Paul's calls for amnesty, and will also offer a diagnosis of the prevailing brutish police thug-culture and gang-like mentality increasingly acclimating the public into submissive fear. Alex will also cover other major headlines.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
2012.11.25 - Civil Unrest Discussion, Secession, Flu Shots, Healthcare Workers Fired, Cybersecurity, Bin Ladens Death Myth
Today on this live Sunday, November 25, 2012 edition, Alex Jones covers the stress points on society, with another Black Friday demonstrating how fragile order can be, and how quickly things would break down in the event of civil unrest. Meanwhile, Ron Paul has defended a growing secessionist sentiment sweeping across the country, even as the tyrannical feds clamp down with more drones, checkpoints and propaganda. Also, healthcare workers have been fired for refusing to take flu shots; Obama's latest secret directive on cybersecurity grants new police state powers over the Internet; and the hoax surrounding the official account of Bin Laden's death continues to unravel. Alex welcomes your calls and comments.
Friday, November 23, 2012
2012.11.23 - Dr. Edward Group, Holiday Food, Chemtrails, Aluminum Contaminants, Mike Bundrant, Black Friday Mobs
On this Friday, November 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Mike Adams takes control of the command center in Austin, Texas. Mike covers the latest post-Thanksgiving news, including Black Friday mania sweeping the nation and the knee-jerk response by law enforcement. On today's show, Mike talks with Dr. Edward Group, the founder of Global Healing Center, about the toxicity of holiday food and what you can do to protect yourself from it. They also talk about chemtrails and aluminum levels in foods. Mike talks with Mike Bundrant, an expert in mental health, about the "madness of crowds" such as the Black Friday mobs, plus dealing with holiday depression.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
2012.11.22 - Encore clips
On this special Thanksgiving, 2012, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex features a premier rebroadcast featuring a notable line-up of recent guests, including: retiring Texas Rep. Ron Paul, former State Department official and author Steve Pieczenik, and Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America. Alex and crew wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
2012.11.21 - Cyber-security trumps civil liberties, Presidential Policy Directive 20, Joseph Farah, Secession, Gaza, Israel, TSA
On the Wednesday, November 21 Thanksgiving eve edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex details the immense threat posed to civil liberties by Obama's secretive Presidential Policy Directive 20, and also breaks down the latest consumer surveillance and prisoner indoctrination concept discreetly manifested through unsuspecting store mannequins. On today's show, Alex welcomes author, journalist, and editor-in-chief of the influential WorldNetDaily (WND), Joseph Farah, to discuss the secession movement's explosive response to Obama's re-election and the continued conflict between Gaza and Israel. We'll also reissue the call for Americans to assert their Constitutional rights at airports in light of TSA Opt Out and Film week.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
2012.11.20 - Dan Dicks, Ashley Jessica, TSA, Encore clips
On this Tuesday, November 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Prison Planet.com editor and journalist Paul Joesph Watson talks with Press For Truth’s Dan Dicks and Ashley Jessica about the TSA Opt Out and Film Campaign. Additional guests include: Constitutional lawyer Edwin Vieira, Jr., author of How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary and other titles; the founder of Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, Porter Stansberry; and Ron Paul's former congressional chief of staff and the founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, Lew Rockwell.
Monday, November 19, 2012
2012.11.19 - TSA, Gaza, Israel, World War Looms, Bruce Fein, Ray McGovern
On the Monday, November 19 edition of the Alex Show, Alex inaugurates TSA “Opt Out Week” by covering ongoing abuses by the federal agency as the holiday season approaches. Alex also talks about Gaza descending into bedlam as the prospect of world war once again arises. On today’s worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with constitutional lawyer and the former associate deputy attorney general in the Reagan administration, Bruce Fein, and also retired CIA officer turned activist and journalist Ray McGovern about war in the Middle East and Israel's latest actions in Gaza. Alex talks with Prison Planet.com editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson about "Opt Out Week."
Sunday, November 18, 2012
2012.11.18 - Israel, Gaza, World War Looms, Ron Paul Speech
On the rousing Sunday, November 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex reports on the Middle East's descent into absolute bedlam as the conflict between Gaza and Israel intensifies and spreads into what some economists are saying could be the beginnings of a new World War. Alex will also review highlights from Ron Paul's historic farewell speech as well as reiterate his call to secede from the banks, corporate oligarchs and globalists who long ago hijacked the country.
Friday, November 16, 2012
2012.11.16 - Second American Revolution, Restoration of the Republic, Agenda 21, Dr. Michael Coffman
Thursday, November 15, 2012
2012.11.15 - Secessionist movement, Constitution, Tenth Amendment, Porter Stansberry, Lew Rockwell, Edwin Vieira, Jr.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
2012.11.14 - Jesse Ventura, Tyrel Ventura, FEMA, Sandy Aftermath, Fiscal Cliff, FBI, CIA
Gov. Jesse Ventura |
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
2012.11.13 - Petraeus affair, General Petraeus, Steve Pieczenik, Benghazi, Libya, Larry Pratt, Second Amendment, EPA, San Diego
Paula Broadwell |
Monday, November 12, 2012
2012.11.12 - TSA, Second Amendment, Bev Harris, 2012 Election
On the Monday, November 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest outrages against the Constitution and common decency by an out of control federal government as an outlaw TSA continues to sexually molest citizens and government officials grill target shooters practicing their Second Amendment right. On today's show, Alex welcomes back Bev Harris of Black Box Voting who breaks down cases of vote fraud during the 2012 election.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
2012.11.11 - Aspartame, Encore clips
On the Sunday, November 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with retiring Texas Congressman Ron Paul about the election, trends forecaster Gerald Celente about the economy and the election, and the former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, who will also give his break down of the election. Alex also premieres a video by Infowars reporter Melissa Melton about the dangers of aspartame in chewing gum and the many other poisonous ingredients lurking in our food.
Friday, November 9, 2012
2012.11.09 - Election 2012, Election Fraud, TSA, Ron Paul, Economic Implosion
Ron Paul |
Thursday, November 8, 2012
2012.11.08 - TSA Opt Out, Economy, Agenda 21, Mike Adams, GMO Labeling
On the Thursday, November 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the continued implosion of the economy following the reselection of Obama and its promised acceleration under the mandates of Agenda 21. Guests today include Prison Planet.com editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson, who will talk about TSA Opt Out Week over Thanksgiving as the gropers at the federal Gestapo agency gear up for a feast of molestation over the holidays. Mike Adams of Natural News also talks with Alex about Proposition 37, the GMO labeling initiative defeated by the corporatists, and the future of the movement to find out what they are putting in our food.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
2012.11.07 - Obama re-elected, Gun Sales, Second Amendment, Jesse Ventura, Bev Harris
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
2012.11.06 - Election 2012, David Icke, Richard Belzer, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser, Wayne Madsen, Paul Craig Roberts, Lew Rockwell, Nomi Prins, Webster Tarpley
Tuesday, November 6, Election Day 2012. Alex presents special live coverage of the election and offers a roster of dynamic guests, including: Trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former trader and television host Max Keiser, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, economist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration Paul Craig Roberts, former congressional chief of staff for Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell, author and former director at Goldman Sachs, Nomi Prins, and historian and author Webster Tarpley. Alex and his guests will offer concise analysis and commentary until midnight. Watch streaming video of the show for free here. On the 11 AM to 2 PM segment of the show today, Alex talks with author and presenter David Icke and stand-up comedian, author, and actor Richard Belzer.
Monday, November 5, 2012
2012.11.05 - Election 2012, Violence, Hurricane Sandy, FEMA, Bev Harris, Vote Fraud
On the Monday, November 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the election in the wake of Katrina 2.0, Hurricane Sandy. On the day before the election, Obama supporters and leftwing media figures are stoking violent rhetoric while bookies back Obama to beat Romney despite poll results showing a dead heat race. Alex also talks about the all-too predictable response by FEMA and the federal government to Sandy as millions of people on the East Coast continue to suffer in the wake of the epic storm. Guest Bev Harris of Black Box Voting will break down vote fraud during this year's contest.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
2012.11.04 - Pick Your Poison, Election, Hurricane Sandy
On this Sunday, November 4th edition, Alex Jones breaks down the latest news leading into a hot election cycle, as well as the latest developments on Hurricane Sandy, which has left millions of people without electricity and FEMA a new excuse to grab power. With the 2012 election just two days away, the polls are too close to call, but various politicos are arguing why they think Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will pull ahead. Either outcome is guaranteed to be continued business as usual, for the pro-war, pro-bailout, pro-GMO candidates, even as fresh signs indicate a possible strike on Iran and other geopolitical conflict in the Middle East. Alex welcomes your calls as he cuts through the rhetoric of an election with plenty of room for error, fraud and surprise.
Friday, November 2, 2012
2012.11.02 - Hurricane Sandy, Social Disintegration, Gun Sales, Election, Joel Skousen
On the Friday, November 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers social disintegration in New York and New Jersey in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. He also covers a new surge in gun sales as the election descends and fear mounts that Obama will be re-elected and will work to further chip away the Second Amendment. On today’s show, Alex talks with Joel Skousen, a retreat consultant who specializes in preparedness topics, particularly survival retreat and fallout shelter design and construction. Mr. Skousen is featured in Strategic Relocation, a documentary now available at the Infowars store. The Complete Joel Skousen Collection, including his strategic relocation books, is also available.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
2012.11.01 - Election 2012, Hurricane Sandy, Stewart Rhodes
Election 2012 |
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Infowars » Featured Stories
- Zombies Attack: Hidden Camera
- Congressman Wants $12 Billion for FEMA and Sandy Added to National Debt
- Brooklyn Residents In Fear Of Looters Pretending To Be FEMA Workers
- Newspaper Links Man Arrested with Explosives to Alex Jones
- Shameless Looters Display Stolen Goods On Twitter
- Facebook Flags PAC’s Obama-Benghazi Meme Post, Threatens Account Closure
- US Supreme Court To Argue Use Of K9 Search Outside Your Home
- Looters Plague Hurricane Victims Post-Sandy
- 18 Startling Quotes About The Incredible Destruction Caused By Hurricane Sandy
- Individual preparedness, not Big Government ‘management,’ would have helped most
- Did Obama Fire General Who Tried to Save Ambassador Stevens?
- Facebook Censors Navy SEALS To Protect Obama On Benghazi-Gate
- Aspartame is linked to leukemia and lymphoma in new landmark study on humans
2012.10.31 - Sandy looters, Wade Hicks, No-Fly List
On the Wednesday, October 31 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers widespread looting in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and looters displaying their stolen goods on Twitter. Alex also covers other pertinent news items and takes your calls. On today's show, Alex talks with Wade Hicks in-studio. Hicks was stranded in Hawaii for five days after his name appeared on a government no-fly list.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
2012.10.30 - Controlling the weather, Hurricane Sandy, Dr. Nick Begich, HAARP, Bob Fletcher
Controlling the weather |
Monday, October 29, 2012
2012.10.29 - Hurricane Sandy looting, Election, Gov. Jesse Ventura
Hurricane Sandy looting |
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