NOTE: Descriptions of new shows will be added daily or quickly caught up if I take a break. I am working to add descriptions of old shows by finding descriptions at and another source. So, as time goes, this archive will get much larger and encompass shows from at least as far back as 2008.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

2013.01.31 - Defending the Constitution, Green Berets, Larry Pratt, Bruce Fein, Syria, Israel

On this Thursday, January 31 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about war clouds gathering over the Middle East following an Israeli attack inside Syria. He also talks about more than 1,000 Green Berets re-asserting their oath to support and defend the Constitution by protecting the second amendment rights of American citizens as the federal government continues its effort to deprive Americans of firearms. On today's broadcast, Alex talks with Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, and constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

2013.01.30 - Police state rising, Public school drills, Toy guns, Dr. Jim Garrow, Army's new litmus test 'Will you fire on American citizens?'

On the Wednesday, January 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the increased state of paranoia being perpetuated nationwide through public school drills and the incrimination of innocent school children for playing with toy guns. On today's show, Alex welcomes Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Jim Garrow to break down his information regarding the Army's new "litmus test" for military leaders. Tomorrow, Alex invites constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein to give his expert analysis on whether an Obama impeachment is feasible, and also to give his take on the gutting of our Second Amendment and Constitution.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2013.01.29 - Illegal immigration, Training Exercises

On the Tuesday, January 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest police state actions unfolding around the country, including training exercises from Miami to Houston and a government enforced no-fly zone over this year's Super Bowl. Also on today's worldwide broadcast, Alex looks at a proposal to legalize millions of illegal aliens as Obama colludes with the Senate's “Gang of Eight” to push through legislation. Alex also takes your calls and runs through other important news items of the day.


Monday, January 28, 2013

2013.01.28 - Staged Syrian chemical weapons threat, Training Exercise in Miami, Gun Control

On the Monday, January 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the hacked emails indicative of an imminent staged Syrian chemical weapons attack, the likes of which would pave the way for military intervention, but more importantly would constitute a serious war crime. Meanwhile in the U.S., no excuse is needed for military intervention, as was apparent in downtown Miami last week where yet another "training exercise" took place boasting Blackhawk helicopters and machine guns firing blank rounds...unbeknownst to civilians. Alex also covers CNN host Piers Morgan's concession of defeat to the NRA in the face of Senator Feinstein's flopping gun control bill. Alex also covers other major news items and takes your calls.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

2013.01.27 - Government Royalty Exempt from Ban, Why People Think Sandy Hook is A Hoax

On this live Sunday, January 27, 2013 edition, Alex Jones breaks down the hypocrisy of the gun grabbers, who, it has emerged, have exempted themselves from their own assault weapons ban. Dianne Feinstein's proposed legislation savagely undermines the 2nd Amendment rights of law abiding Americans, all while placing the Feds and many law enforcement officials above the law. This is the basic tyranny of kings and despots alike throughout history! And Obama, Biden and others are on record promising not to target firearms ownership, telling us they like to shoot guns yet desperately trying to convince the public to accept new control measures over their lives. Meanwhile, Alex peaks behind the curtain, exposing the many questions circling the Sandy Hook school shooting massacre. In a special report, he will examine Why People Think Sandy Hook is A Hoax. Your calls and comments are welcome.


Friday, January 25, 2013

2013.01.25 - Feinstein's attack on 2nd Amendment, Smart Meters, Jerome Corsi

On the Friday, January 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down details on Feinstein's draconian gun legislation rolled out yesterday. He also talks about police arresting smart meter activists on their own private property. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with author and journalist Jerome Corsi in-studio. Alex and Mr. Corsi will talk about Obama's second term agenda and Dr. Jim Garrow's claim that Obama is using a “litmus test” to determine who in the military will fire on U.S. citizens. Corsi is the author of numerous books including, America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty and Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013.01.24 - Dems move to restrict 2nd Amendment, North Korea, James O'Keefe

On the Thursday, January 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down Sen. Dianne Feinstein's federal assault weapons ban legislative proposal intended to scale back the Second Amendment significantly and create a national registry of all firearms. Alex will also cover North Korea's test-firing of missiles and long-range rockets which are reportedly part of “upcoming all-out action” against the U.S. On today's show, we welcome James O'Keefe of Project Veritas to speak about the frenzied assault on the inalienable rights of millions of law-abiding, gun-owning Americans, and to discuss his work exposing the senseless gun control hypocrisy in maintaining gun-free zones at public schools.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2013.01.23 - Military firing on US citizens, Dr. Jim Garrow, Bubble Guns, Paper Guns, Cenk Uygur

Alex continues his coverage of the government and corporate media attack on the Second Amendment on the Wednesday, January 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Alex also covers the hysteria over children wielding bubble and paper guns as the irrational paranoia over firearms infects grade schools and society at large thanks to the corporate media and government education. On today’s show, Alex talks with renowned author and humanitarian Dr. Jim Garrow about his Facebook post that Obama is now using a new litmus test for the military to determine if they will fire on US citizens. Alex also talks with Cenk Uygur, the main host and co-founder of the Internet and talk radio show, The Young Turks.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

2013.01.22 - Second Amendment, Military Leader Litmus Test, Lloyd Alan Chapman, Obamacare, Max Keiser

On the Tuesday, January 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex returns to the airwaves and continues fending off the seemingly endless barrage of anti-Second Amendment propaganda. He'll also break down the Facebook warning from a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee declaring the "litmus test" for military leaders being whether or not they will fire on U.S. citizens, the fallout following Obama's two inaugurations and more. On today's show, Alex welcomes Lloyd Alan Chapman, president and founder of the American Small Business League, to explain how Obama's second-term, and notably Obamacare, could spell certain doom for American small business owners. Television show host, broadcaster, and film-maker Max Keiser also joins us today.


Monday, January 21, 2013

2013.01.21 - Second Amendment, Sheriff Denny Peyman, Max Velocity, Jon Rappoport, Psychiatric Police State

Mike Adams guest hosts on this Monday, January 21 edition of the Alex Jones show. Mike follows up on last week's heated pro-Second Amendment developments in the wake of Obama's support for radical anti-Second Amendment legislation and his unconstitutional signing of numerous anti-firearms executive actions. Mike talks with Jackson County Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman about his pledge to not enforce federal laws restricting the right to own firearms and he also talks with Max Velocity, an author and trainer providing tactical instruction. In the third hour today, Mike talks with author Jon Rappoport about New York creating a psychiatric police state.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

2013.01.20 - Encore clips

On the Sunday, January 20 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we feature some our most powerful interviews of 2013, including our recent discussion with former Congressman Ron Paul where he described a scenario in which Americans turn in their guns as a “line in the sand.” We'll also hear former Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives, author and staunch pro-Second Amendment advocate Suzanna Hupp's thoughts on the feverish attempts to demonize gun-owners in the wake of the Newtown tragedy. Today's broadcast will also feature one of our most popular interviews to date, our in-studio chat with Michelle Dowery, better known as the Obama Phone Lady.


Friday, January 18, 2013

2013.01.18 - Defending the 2nd Amendment, James Tracy, Sandy Hook Massacre Questions, Rep. Steve Toth, Andrew Wakefield, Vaccine Dangers

On the Friday, January 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Prison Planet editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson runs down the latest efforts to hobble the Second Amendment and demonize gun owners. Paul talks with James Tracy, a communications professor who claims the Newtown Sandy Hook massacre did not happen the way it was reported by the establishment media. Also on today's broadcast, host Mike Adams talks with Texas State Rep. Steve Toth, who has stepped up to defend and protect the Second Amendment against the predatory behavior of Obama and the feds. Mike also talks with former surgeon and British medical researcher Andrew Wakefield about the dangers of vaccines.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013.01.17 - Standing up for the 2nd Amendment, War in Africa, Sheriff Denny Peyman, Lew Rockwell

On the Thursday, January 17 worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues confronting the deluge of anti-gun rights propaganda being spewed forth by mainstream media outlets intent on aiding the destruction of the US Constitution. Alex will also break down the importance of calling for Obama's impeachment and the sounding of the war drums in Africa. On today's show, Alex welcomes Jackson County, Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman, one of the sheriffs who recently indicated that he will not enforce federal actions violating the Constitution. Also on today's show, we welcome Ron Paul's former congressional chief of staff and constitutional lawyer Lew Rockwell to give his take on the ensuing all out frontal assault on personal sovereignty.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013.01.16 - Obama moves on 2nd Amendment, Steve Toth, James David Manning

On the Wednesday, January 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers Obama's announcement that he will use executive action and illegal orders to attack the Second Amendment after the Newtown massacre last month. Alex also covers the effort to impeach Obama for wantonly violating his oath of office and engaging in high crimes and misdemeanors. On today's show, Alex welcomes Texas state representative Steve Toth who has introduced the "Firearms Protection Act" that will make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines illegal in the state. Alex also talks with Obama critic James David Manning, pastor of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013.01.15 - NY weighs restricting 2nd Amendment, Debt Crisis, Debt Ceiling, Ben Swann

On the Tuesday, January 15 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex reports on the no holds barred assault being waged on the Second Amendment with NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo leading the charge, passing a sweeping new act in the NY Senate completely banning certain types of firearms and magazines all in the name of keeping you safe. Alex also covers the debt crisis which has some influential figures requesting a nix of the arbitrary debt ceiling altogether. On the show today, Alex welcomes primetime anchor at WXIX Fox 19 in Cincinnati and investigative journalist Ben Swann his investigation into Piers Morgan's arguments during last weeks astounding debate with Alex.


Monday, January 14, 2013

2013.01.14 - Obama Phone Lady, Second Amendment

On the Monday, January 14, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with the "Obama Phone Lady" who was featured in a music video that went viral on the internet. Alex also covers the escalating threat posed to the Second Amendment by Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration as New York's Chuck Schumer calls for stores to voluntarily stop selling firearms. He also talks about the refusal of CNN host Piers Morgan to engage in a second debate over the Second Amendment and covers other important news of the day.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

2013.01.13 - Government move against the 2nd Amendment

On this Sunday, January 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex confronts the latest developments in the full-court press by the establishment and the the gun-grabbers to undercut and decimate the Second Amendment. He also talks about the continuing reaction to his appearance on Piers Morgan, the suspicious death of a Obama critic and covers other important news. He also takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast and announces a surprise guest for tomorrow's broadcast.


Friday, January 11, 2013

2013.01.11 - War on for your guns, Presidential Secret Service protection, Nanny State policy banning painkillers, Mancow Muller, Joel Skousen

On the Friday, January 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to flesh out the gun control issue reiterating the importance of Americans' right to bear arms, while bringing to light Obama's new bill securing all presidents after 1997 lifetime Secret Service protection, all on the taxpayer's dime. Alex will also cover control freak Bloomberg's latest nanny state policy banning painkillers in New York. On today's show Alex welcomes American radio and television personality Mancow Muller to discuss where he sees the gun debate heading. Also on the show today, author and preparedness expert Joel Skousen gives his take on the war being waged on the Second Amendment by foreign governments.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013.01.10 - Government push to destroy Constitution, Economic Crash, Doug Hagmann, Gerald Celente

On the Thursday, January 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the unprecedented push by the establishment and its quislings in government and the collaborationist corporate media to demonize and outlaw the Second Amendment ahead of a likely executive action by Obama to outlaw firearms. Alex talks about the effort to disarm America ahead of a final economic crash that will destroy the engine of prosperity once and for all and reduce America to a third world cesspool. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, Doug Hagmann, and trend forecaster and author Gerald Celente.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013.01.09 - Rep. Ron Paul & thinly-veiled death threats, Larry Pratt

On the invigorating Wednesday, January 9 edition of Infowars Live, Alex Jones confronts the thinly-veiled threats against his life as so-called pundits joke about killing him on nationwide television. He'll continue to explore the media's fascination with his impassioned speech on Piers Morgan Tonight, and also continue to break down their attempts to demonize himself and all law-abiding gunowners. On today's show, Alex welcomes exiting Congressman Ron Paul to speak about the establishment's attempt to “brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way,” to quote Eric Holder. He'll also welcome Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Mr. Larry Pratt, to chat about their respective interviews with the British citizen engaged in subversion of the Constitution. We'll also cover other controversial news items and take your calls.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013.01.08 - Defending the Constitution, Alex on CNN last night

On the Tuesday, January 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers his appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan show last night and his effort to defend the Constitution and the Second Amendment from attack by the establishment media as the government prepares its latest gun-grabbing assault on law-abiding Americans. Alex talks about how CNN ejected him from the studio after one segment and how an “armed Mafia” tailed him during his New York visit. Alex talks about the overwhelming response to his appearance and the fact we have put the globalists on notice.

Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan Over Gun Rights (YouTube)


Monday, January 7, 2013

2013.01.07 - Psychiatric Police State, Second Amendment, Jon Rappoport, Family Farms Targetted, Mark Baker

On the Monday, January 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, veteran fill-in guest host Mike Adams "The Health Ranger," editor for, fills in for Alex. Mike will continue to break down the war being waged on the Second Amendment from both sides of the political divide, and spells out the real agenda behind what gun grabbers are presenting as a public safety concern. On today's show, Mike welcomes Pulitzer Prize nominated author and lecturer Jon Rappoport to discuss how patient prescription drug records may be used to deny purchase of firearms. Mike also welcomes Mark Baker of Bakers Green Acres, the Michigan farmer facing prosecution for owning pigs with "feral" distinctions.


Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan Over Gun Rights (YouTube)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013.01.06 - Preserving the 2nd Amendment, Chief of Police Mark Kessler, '2nd Amendment Preservation' ordinance

Today on this live Sunday, January 6, 2013 program, Alex Jones covers the latest in the ongoing efforts to dismantle the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution, including fresh confirmation that the Obama Administration has big designs on gun control despite his 2008 campaign pledge to 'not take guns.' Further, cities around the nation, including Austin, TX, are looking to reign in gun shows. Meanwhile, Alex is joined by Chief of Police Mark Kessler, who is proposing a '2nd Amendment Preservation' ordinance for his small town in Pennsylvania, which could serve as model legislation to uphold the right to bear arms and nullify unconstitutional gun control maneuvers across the country. Your call and comments are welcome.


Friday, January 4, 2013

2013.01.04 - Gun ban looms?, War on Second Amendment, Debt Bubble, Larry Pratt, Financial Crisis, Gerald Celente

On the Friday, January 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the war being waged on the Second Amendment and the debt bubble that continues to metastasize out of control reaching now $16 trillion. Alex also welcomes executive director of Gun Owners of America Larry Pratt to discuss the red level alert that has ammo and firearms flying off American gun store shelves. Also on the show today, trends forecaster Gerald Celente joins us to break down the looming financial crisis and how to prepare for what's to come. We'll also cover other news items and take your calls.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013.01.03 - Gun confiscation, Second Amendment, Jerome Corsi

On the Thursday, January 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his coverage of anti-Second Amendment moves on the federal and state level as gun sales set new records following the Sandy Hook massacre and a heightened government propaganda push to gain consensus on a renewed effort to grab guns steam rolls across the establishment media. On today's show, Alex talks with author, journalist and political commentator Jerome Corsi. Mr. Corsi is the author of Where's the Birth Certificate? and The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013.01.02 - Cliff "compromise", Right to Bear Arms, Gun Confiscation, Weather Weapons, Bob Fletcher

On the Wednesday, January 2 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the continued threat imposed against Americans' right to bear arms as he revisits a U.S. Army manual outlining exactly how gun confiscation under Obama order would take place. Alex also blasts the traitorous Republicans completely selling out to the New World Order by “compromising” on the so-called fiscal cliff, begetting a 41:1 ratio of tax increases to spending cuts. On today's show, Alex welcomes weather weapon expert and Iran-Contra affair whistle-blower Bob Fletcher. We'll also break down other news items and take your calls.

More police blow whistle on training and policies readying for gun-check checkpoints and door-to-door gun confiscations coming very soon, including systems that allow live updates to local police about who is buying weapons in their area.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013.01.01 - Concealed carry, Suzanna Hupp, Second Amendment, Gun Registration and Confiscation Legislation

On this New Year's Day edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues to run down the threat posed to the Second Amendment by Obama and the Democrats in Congress as Senator Dianne Feinstein prepares to introduce gun registration and confiscation legislation later this week. On today's show, Alex talks with Suzanna Hupp, a former Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives. Hupp became a leading advocate of an individual's right to carry a concealed weapon after she survived the 1991 Luby's massacre in Killeen, Texas. Alex also covers other important news and takes your calls on this first show of the new year.
