NOTE: Descriptions of new shows will be added daily or quickly caught up if I take a break. I am working to add descriptions of old shows by finding descriptions at and another source. So, as time goes, this archive will get much larger and encompass shows from at least as far back as 2008.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

2011.04.24 - Lou Dobbs, Lord Christopher Monckton, Global Warming, Webster Tarpley, Gerald Celente

Lou Dobbs
On this Easter Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with journalist, radio host, television host on the Fox Business Network, and author Lou Dobbs. Additional guests include Lord Christopher Monckton, British politician, public speaker, former newspaper editor and outspoken critic of the theory of anthropogenic global warming; author, researcher, and GCN radio host Webster Tarpley; and trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente.
